Making Boat Ribs

This video is not mine but comes from discovery channel! like,share,subscribe, and don't forget to wach my other movie's.. I have the plans of my boat (is my first attempt at making a model boat) and i can't figure out a way to make the ribs. how do you figure out the shape of the ribs? (the boat i am trying to make is the riva aquarama). first of all, that is not an easy boat to build for a first attempt.. 4 wooden boat building techniques. there are four basic wooden boat building construction techniques used by home boat builders. these are the stitch and tape, the ply on frame, the strip planking, and the clinker ply..

Replacing / repairing wooden boat frames. the frames of a wooden boat should be considered as part of her backbone. planking; cracks can occur along the side of the ribs where they make contact with the planks. steaming has successfully been used in many boat building yards for many years.. How to build a bass boat. bass boats can be built from scratch or from an existing boat. building a boat from scratch requires advanced building skills, time and. building displaying sailing model boats and ships s45 sail boat rigging bill of material from john fisher from: 'j fisher' The construction method of this boat owes a lot to verga’s instructable- ie made by bending the sides around a centre ‘rib’ or frame. this boat is an “artist’s sketch”- so it is a little over engineered for its size..

making boat ribs
